Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Operator's Story-FMS-Part 2

My Amazing Story--Part 2
Another battle in fibromyalgia I began to win was the battle against pain. I had spent years being afraid of someone touching me. Imagine shying away from all human contact, including your spouse! That was the life I was living. The reason I was living that life was due to the fact when someone touched me it either caused muscle spasms or it felt as though that person was pushing on bruises on my body. Thanks to Zija, those sensations started receding! Those few results were more than enough to convince me that there was truly something special about Zija.

The discovery period was not complete though! I have seen a great improvement with my allergy problems and with my legs staying cramped after I started Zija. The journey continues-I began interacting with people again. My friends have noticed a definite difference in my personality. I have been asked to tell them what has happened. I now had energy and emotion left at the end of my teaching day to invest in others! I started becoming more outgoing, too.

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