Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia

One major issue I've dealt with since being diagnosed with FMS is not reaching REM sleep. The doctor I was under the care of in FL had me on a low dosage of muscle relaxers to aid my sleep. Even on that, I still didn't reach REM sleep. How do I know? Dreams! I haven't dreamed at all, or very, very little for years! Now that I'm dreaming more regularly, it's almost unsettling or tiring. I feel like I'm not getting "good" sleep because my dreams are so vivid and busy; however, I know that's not true. In fact, I know that my health must be continuing to improve since I'm reaching REM sleep more often and dreaming. It makes me extremely happy to still be seeing improvements in my health after almost 3 years using nutrition to "treat" my body instead of drugs!

Why am I blogging about this? I woke up from a 2 hour nap this afternoon remembering my dreams! In fact, I can still remember part of that dream now 5 1/2 hours later!

I'm giving my body what it needs in regards to nutrition and it's responding! As many of my colleagues and friends like to say, "Plants heal, drugs kill!" If you don't believe me, check out the list of side effects of the prescriptions you're correctly taking and do some research for yourself.

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