Friday, November 23, 2012

A Day with Fibromyalgia from 7.28.10

Recently I set a goal for myself to exercise 3xs a week. Now as a person who has fibro, although I know exercise is important for me, I also know that it is difficult for me. First of all, there is already a lot of stiffness and soreness so why would I want to increase that with exercise? Secondly, I am tired-dealing with chronic fatique-why make myself more tired? Well, I am happy to report that I accomplished that goal of 3xs a week last week and I am already at 2xs for this week and it is only Wednesday! Having a goal helps me! I know in the long run that the benefits to exercising are supposed to far outweigh the short-term difficulties; however, short-term, it's not as difficult to exercise now as it used to be because of the use of Zija smart mix with its 36 anti-inflammatories and the use of xm3 drink for energy!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia from 7.20.10

Three things on this earth get me through my rough days with fibromyalgia-zija smart mix, a group of friends and family who support me, and xm3 drink and xm am caps. I didn't know how bad I actually had gotten until I started getting better! Rather incredible to grow worse year by year and not realize how bad off you had gotten until you find something that helps you start getting better! For me, it was a nutritional supplement call Zija that comes from the moringa oleifera tree. With its 92 nutrients that are 100% bio-available, it didn't take long for me to see improvement. This is the smart mix that I referenced above. A couple of areas that the Smart Mix has addressed are the issue of horrible sleep patterns and awaking tired each morning and feeling bruised if someone touched me! Secondly, friends and family-I am so thankful to the Lord for providing me with a husband who may get frustrated with having a wife with a chronic condition but he doesn't give up. I don't share with him what it is like to live in a body that constantly hurts and is normally tired but I know he sees it. He loves me anyways. I am also extremely grateful for the friends God has placed in my life. My friends have really helped me over some major hurdles in the past 10 months. Even now, when I am battling, it is not uncommon for one of them to call even when they may be clueless to what is going on. Thirdly-xm3 drink and xm am caps! Xm3 is my "drug" of choice. Actually, both xm products are completely natural and legal! =) Xm3 drink provides the energy that I need with the chronic fatigue that comes with fibro. Xm3 drink also helps dull the pain intensity when I am having a bad day. I am SO HAPPY to say that every day or 5/7 days per week are NO LONGER bad days thanks to Zija!!! The xm am caps work in the chemical pathways of the brain which help battle the depression that is so often a part of the life of a person with fibro. To summarize, Zija has helped with my sleep, my pain, my energy and my depression. If you struggle with fibro (or if you know someone who struggles with fibro) my question for you is: You have tried everything else, what do you have to lose by trying Zija except for pain, awful sleep patterns, tiredness, depression, etc.? Sounds like some very good reasons to give Zija a try!

Friday, November 2, 2012

A Day with Fibromyalgia from 7.16.10

I'm still transferring my original blogging over to this site. Hang with me as I relive the battles I have faced. The great news is I'm still here to tell about it! =)

  The chronic fatigue and the high pain level should have kept me in bed today; however, I despise being restricted by the way I feel. Because of that, I fought back. I forced myself out of bed this morning after taking my Zija smart mix. I went downstairs (which is no fun when your pain level is HIGH) and drank two ounces of the xm3 drink. Yea for xm3 drink!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The fatigue started lifting and the pain level started decreasing. By the time I finished eating breakfast, I was ready to start. I made a to-do list and started tackling my day! The xm3 drink is an important weapon in my battle against fibro!!!!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

A Day with Fibromyalgia from 7.10.10

A Day with Fibromyalgia

I think it is time for me to stop trying to figure out what the worst part of having fibro is. I think that answer varies from day-to-day depending on how that day is going. Today I would say (at least at this point of the day =) ) that besides being a little sleepy, it's not too bad having fibromyalgia except for the "waiting for the other shoe to fall" mentality. What I experience with fibro is I never know when the symptoms will strike! That is very taxing on the mind!!!

I do know that since I started taking the zija smart mix consistently in September of 2009, I am doing better! My pain levels are better, my fatigue is much better, my energy is better, my outlook on life is better! I am realizing that my outlook on life is key to dealing with the fibro. I am learning to recognize when my outlook is slipping. I am learning to catch thoughts that are leading me down a path I don't want to go. By recognizing that I am slipping, I can head off the depression. Yes, depression-most people with fibro struggle with it because it is very depressing to hurt constantly, to get up in the morning as tired as you were when you went to bed, etc. By the way, Zija has really helped with the sleep issue, too!