Monday, August 20, 2012

But for Grace-A Day with Fibromyalgia 7.5.10

But for Grace-A Day with Fibromyalgia

As I began to think about what to write today about my condition, fibromyalgia, the word GRACE came to mind. I did a quick check on to check for different definitions of the word Grace. As a believer in Jesus Christ, I knew that there would be different definitions relating to Christianity; however, I wasn't expecting 20 definitions for the entry, grace.

As I think about dealing daily with fibromyalgia, I realize GRACE is essential. You must demonstrate grace-moral strength: the grace to perform a duty. You need to receive grace especially during difficult days  from those around you-favor or good will or a manifestation of favor. We need to extend and receive grace daily-mercy; clemency; pardon.  Another grace that all need is the freely given, unmerited favor and love of God.

As individuals, each of us needs to extend GRACE and receive GRACE daily. Whose life can you impact today with grace?

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia 7.4.10

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia 
   One battle that most people with Fibromyalgia face is the battle with weight. We are told to exercise to help lose weight, but what person in their right mind who is dealing with FMS wants to exercise???? It normally hurts to move, no less to exercise! For me personally, I lost about 20 lbs eight years ago before my wedding. In the years following, I gained back those 20 lbs plus 25 more. However, in the past 8 months, I have lost 33 of those pounds!!! I have done this, not through exercise, let me assure you of that, nor through changing all my eating habits-which were horrible! I have done this through a weight management program by Zija. This weight management system has all the nutrition that a body needs, a way to turn off the hunger trigger and the cravings, and a way to gently detox the body (which is VERY important for fibro people). I have 7 more pounds to lose to get down to where I was when I got married 8 yrs ago this month!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Have I mentioned that I lost 35 lbs without dieting and exercising since I started taking Zija?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia

One major issue I've dealt with since being diagnosed with FMS is not reaching REM sleep. The doctor I was under the care of in FL had me on a low dosage of muscle relaxers to aid my sleep. Even on that, I still didn't reach REM sleep. How do I know? Dreams! I haven't dreamed at all, or very, very little for years! Now that I'm dreaming more regularly, it's almost unsettling or tiring. I feel like I'm not getting "good" sleep because my dreams are so vivid and busy; however, I know that's not true. In fact, I know that my health must be continuing to improve since I'm reaching REM sleep more often and dreaming. It makes me extremely happy to still be seeing improvements in my health after almost 3 years using nutrition to "treat" my body instead of drugs!

Why am I blogging about this? I woke up from a 2 hour nap this afternoon remembering my dreams! In fact, I can still remember part of that dream now 5 1/2 hours later!

I'm giving my body what it needs in regards to nutrition and it's responding! As many of my colleagues and friends like to say, "Plants heal, drugs kill!" If you don't believe me, check out the list of side effects of the prescriptions you're correctly taking and do some research for yourself.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia

Living Daily with Fibromyalgia--Unless you have a condition you deal with daily that randomly changes on a whim, it may be difficult for you to fathom what it is like to deal with Fibromyalgia. I am blogging about my victories and struggles with fibro only because I know that there are literally thousands and thousands of other people in the world who struggle with Fibro or another conditions daily.

It can be very disheartening and discouraging to awaken each morning not knowing how you will feel as the day progresses. Some days I know before I get out of bed that it is going to be a high-pain day. Other days I awaken alive and ready to conquer the world! One of the most frustrating things about this condition is I never know when I am going to suddenly worsen. The day can be going great when suddenly, 30 minutes later, I am ready to scream in frustration at the pain.

I began struggling with the symptoms of Fibro in the mid-1990s, but wasn't diagnosed for several years. Each year it seemed like my symptoms increased and spread. Gradually I reached a point where I didn't want to be around people because they could unintentionally hurt me simply by touching me or bumping into me. I began withdrawing from society. It was safer to be alone then to place myself in jeopardy of additional pain. However, my friends noticed. It was difficult to explain what was going on within my body and mind with the Fibromyalgia.

For me, my "lifesaver" from Fibromyalgia came in the form of a friend who introduced me to a nutritional product call Zija that contains over 90 nutrients and is 100% bio-available. As I began on the Zija nutritionals, my condition actually became more apparent but now I had some new friends who could help my body begin healing. Not only that, but they were there, and still are there, through the hard days. I found hope again through a friend.

I have two challenges for you today. First, if you have a friend who is struggling, be there for them. You may not have all the answers, but be there, that means a lot. Secondly, if you are struggling, don't give up. Keep learning, keep your mind open to new information and be willing to try an alternative way of helping your body heal.

Friday, August 3, 2012

The Importance of Mindset w/ Fibromyalgia from 7.1.10

Here is another blog from my meandering through some of my journaling:

I think I can, I think I can! The power of the mind is incredible. When I face days like today w/ my fibromyalgia, I grab a hold of the thought of I CAN do anything that I determine to do. Is today a horrible fibromyalgia day? No, but it's not a good one either. The day is overcast and it is misting. For some reason, the rain makes my body react as though I have arthritis-aching in the joints-usually on one side of my body. What do I do? First of all, I take more ZIJA! WOOHOO, very thankful for my Zija! Secondly, I guard my mindset because where my thoughts go, my emotions follow. I determine I will press on, I connect with my friends, and I function through my day. Do I want to have days like this? Yeah, right! Am I concerned about it? NOPE! My life has improved SO much in the 9 months that I have been taking Zija, that I don't worry about it. It took years and years to get this bad so, of course, it will take time to get better! Have a great day everyone and remember your mindset is VERY important.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dealing Daily with Fibromyalgia-6/29/10

Reflecting back to where my journey with Fibromyalgia has taken me. Here's an entry from back on June 29, 2010. Blah days with Fibromyalgia-today has been one of those blah days. Tired, hurting, struggling-however, as I have endured this day, and I stop to write about it, a few important things come to mind. First of all, gratitude toward my friend, Jake Witte, who shared Zija with me because w/o my Zija, I wouldn't have hope. Secondly, HOPE! I had reached a point where fibromyalgia had caused me to sink deeply into depression, but with my zija products and support team, I have been lifted out of that daily hole. I can now face the bad days because I know that the good days are happening more often than the bad days. Thirdly, SUPPORT--I have a wonderful group of people who encourage me, pray for me, and love me. All I have to do is let any of my Zija family know that there is a problem and they are right there with me. Do bad days still happen? I think the answer is obvious-yes. Do they hold the same power over me? Absolutely NOT!